How To Teach Mushroom Chocolates Better Than Anyone Else

 I would surely raise my chapeau, unfeignedly Mushroom Chocolates paying homage to Inita Dāniela, If I were a mushroom. It isn't for nothing that Inita lifelessly answers questions in the gallery, as she calls and writes, brings and shows mushrooms. Inita says  If you be to notice an unusual mushroom, you must surely report it to the Nature Museum.

Our ancestors knew how to pick a full handbasket of mushrooms. You see, first you have to stay for the rye to bloom, because the bekas only start to grow also. In addition, when mushrooms grow overnight which a person sees, they no longer grow larger. In order to go mushroom selecting, you have to watch the Moon- when it changes, there are more mushrooms, also, the mushrooms that picked in the old Moon are said to be more wormy than those that grew in the new Moon.

When entering the timber if necessary, say Chiku, chiku, Miku of the timber, full skin boraviku!

When picking mushrooms, the cutter should be hidden behind the reverse so that the mushrooms don't notice it. You have to spear on the first mushrooms you see and say" You're the lucky bones.

Bring me a full handbasket When the first mushroom is formerly placed in the handbasket, you should say" God, give me happiness!" also the handbasket can be filled snappily. In addition, it's also important which mushroom is seen first and which one is placed in thebasket.However, you'll be suitable to pick a full handbasket, if birch leaves the handbasket will be only partial by the time you go home, If you find a boletus first.

Are these ancient beliefs still valid moment?

Inita admits they've their own wisdom, because they invite the mushroom chooser to precisely prepare, suppose and concentrate. And also there's the result. Inita complements these ancient beliefs with some further.

ultramodern advice in order to find mushrooms, you need to know them, that is, you need to know what you really want to find.

I frequently do not notice boletus, but I see some small, indeed indigestible mushrooms, because I've a scientific interest in them. Others, on the other hand, say about numerous common mushrooms that they see them for the first time. They've not noticed, because this mushroom isn't interested. But it remains to show the mushroom, to introduce it, and one concludes there are so numerous of these mushrooms! 

There's another old belief when walking home from mushroom selecting, if you have to leave the most beautiful mushroom at the edge of the timber, also coming time you'll have successful mushroom selecting. Inita just smiles at that there's also her own wisdom. You see, leaving a mushroom on the edge of the timber does a good job the mushroom spores are sown, and the more spores,

The further mushrooms in the timber. In Africa, for illustration, there's a tradition to tap the cap of a mushroom three times before cutting it, also the spores fall out, therefore helping the mushroom to reproduce. Precisely because of the spore setting in the timber, it's stylish to put mushrooms in a handbasket rather than a pail or bag. First, the handbasket exposes the mushrooms to state, so they stay fresher.

Mushroom spores scatter through the holes in the handbasket- walk through the timber and sow mushrooms. 

Flycatchers give an inversely sincere thank you to the mushroom selectors who protest them as they pass in, as this is also how mushroom spores are spread. still, old boletus shouldn't be cut, tromped or demurred in order to spread the spores. True, from the mushroom's point of view it's indeed good- mushroom spores stick to your shoes, and you spread them when you walk, but. the timber becomes unpretty that way.

Other mushroom selectors will come after you, why spoil their joy for the old boletus lady? And perhaps someone would like to take a print of the flycatcher, another would take it for medical purposes.

By the way, you can also try to grow mushrooms near the house, say, in a timber or under roadside trees, by spreading the remnants of timber mushroom cleaning in the chosen place, because there are spores there too. But. the spores of the fungi that will like to grow there must come to that particular place.

It'll not be the case that pine boletus will grow under birches, but birch boletus will grow under pine trees. The more the remains of colorful mushrooms are poured, the lesser the stopgap that sooner or latterly the mushrooms will grow in the chosen place.

A person who has noway picked mushrooms, Inita recommends going with a dependable guru for the first time. No matter how numerous mushroom books and mushroom discovery mobile operations there are, Inita recommends using them only for those who formerly know mushrooms well, but only want to check some nuance.

Each mushroom chooser has his own style of picking mushrooms, and numerous mushrooms have different names in different corridor of Latvia. For illustration, pine moss bekas are also called mahoviks- this name is deduced from the Latvian pronunciation of the Russian name. There are mushroom selectors who pick only a many types of mushrooms, there are those who pick a wide variety.

A person comes to the mushroom exhibition and prodigies oh, is this mushroom comestible? No, no, I will not read those anyway. But there's also a fully different station- a person shows a snap of a mushroom and says that he picked one history, made it into a sauce for the family, and wants to know what it's called and whether it's toxic.

The verity is nearly in the middle says Inita.

You should not be sloppy and put everything you find in the timber in the handbasket, but you should not stubbornly choose only a many types of mushrooms that your mama and grandmother picked.

It's surely worth walking along the paths in the timber, because both chanterelles and boletus grow well along the paths. For those who are hysterical of getting lost, it's recommended to follow the paths, bypassing the block of the timber and returning to the point where mushroom selecting started. It's stylish to pick mushrooms in the morning- the warmer and drier, the before you should be in the timber, also the mushrooms will be indeed fresher. In addition, the shafts of the morning sun fall in such a way that they're also easier to see.

you should surely go to places where there's a lesser variety.

Of trees- the more different trees, the further different mushrooms can grow there. In addition, mushrooms like to grow at corners of territories, where the meadow borders the timber, the timber- the swamp.

numerous hide their mushroom spots, although it makes no sense. Also, you can go to your apparently secret place two weeks too soon or too late, and there will be no mushrooms. What is the point of hiding a mushroom place where you yourself go formerly a month? Mushrooms will not stay for you!

Each mushroom chooser not only has a different style of picking mushrooms, but also of putting them in the handbasket and drawing them. Inita advises to remove the needles and moss from each mushroom before placing them in the handbasket and place them with the caps facing overhead. also the mushrooms will be cleaner and won't need to be washed.

A lot is determined by family traditions there are mushroom selectors who remove and throw down the bottom of the cap for all burns.

because that is what mama and grandma used to do. Is there little left?

There are mushroom selectors who remove the skin from every birch splint, there are those who leave it indeed for the buttercup. A matter of taste- do as you like.

Indeed if you know mushrooms well, make sure doubly when you put them in the handbasket, because there are relatively a lot of comestible and well- known mushrooms that can veritably fluently be confused with indigestible or indeed toxic bones.

Inita advises not to pick old mushrooms and veritably small mushrooms that haven't yet opened their caps, because comestible bones.

Can fluently be confused with toxicones.However, it's estimated critically, but without magnification- the naiads aren't toxic, If a fungus is eaten by a mushroom naiad. You judge yourself how ready you're to put up with it.

There are people who don't pay attention to the stalk of the mushroom. there are those who study rigorously and rigorously emphasize that they won't eat the worms anyway. You can try to educate a fine mushroom chooser the following wisdom to make sure that there's no naiad in the mushroom, you need to count the holes visible in the stem orcap.However, it means that the caterpillar has crawled in and out, if it's odd, If there's an indeed number. Let's believe and count!


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